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How to Overcome Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is termed as “visitors leaving the website page that they entered, without browsing other pages within the website”.
Reduce Bounce Rate

The most awaited blog of the season. Bounce Rate has been a severe headache since many years for the business owners running their businesses online over web platform. This blog is dedicated to all our readers and clients who are concerned about the growing bounce rates on their websites. We would be pleased, if this blog can help them to overcome Bounce Rates. Let’s quickly throw some light on the term “bounce rate”.

Bounce Rate

In simple words, it is termed as “visitors leaving the website page that they entered, without browsing other pages within the website”. Different Search Engines provide information on Bounce Rates through their analytics report. For example: Google Analytics. It is measured in terms of percentage. The lower is the bounce rate percentage, the better is the outcome. Let’s learn how to drop it down.

Factors to bring down Bounce Rate

Design and Structure of Website

The main idea is to reduce bounce rate by holding visitors on the website and thereby creating a possible chance to generate business, for that keep following things in mind.

• Website should Load quickly as visitors do not have patience to wait long while the page loads. Design is the essence of the website hence it should be very simple, light but lavish/attractive to catch the attention of visitors.

• Use light technologies to develop websites in, such as open source technologies like PHP, WordPress etc. Keep website updated/up to date with the latest version of technology.

• Website should be mobile friendly/compatible and easy to access on any mobile device. Website design can be easily made responsive using HTML 5 for mobile view.

• Place informational videos, client feedback/testimonial videos (videos should not start automatically and distract visitors), light weight graphics, conceptual images, attractive banners, flow charts, infographics, advertisements, new offers, etc on the website.

• Avoid pop up ads that are annoying to the visitors. Use less number of third party ads on website.

• Website should have search box right at the top on all pages. Users tend to search more often for better and improved experience.

• Proper Business Keywords should be targeted and optimized to drive relevant traffic/audience to decrease bounce rate on the website.

Website Content Format and Its Quality

• Website should have sufficient amount of quality content especially on homepage. It creates interest in the visitors to read quality content of adequate length. Having a proper amount of decent sized content occupy visitors and hold them to read it through while having an insufficient content on any web page will not impress readers/visitors to surf through other pages of the website.

• Content should not be short or excessive or unreadable. Format it to make it light, digestible and readable. Compelling contents are error free so check for spelling and grammar mistakes before you post it on the website.

• Google and other search engines have updated new algorithm recently where 4-5 lines content is categorized as “thin content”. They have studied, analyzed and derived it through online visitor’s review, that “Thin content” is not the first choice of visitors/people around the globe. Google and other search engines do not give weightage to such thin content websites.

• The basic idea is to have at least 500 words per page. Your content needs to be point wise, concise, clear and thorough. Content should be decently segmented in proper format. Content should provide solutions on how you can help readers with your services. Content should focus on target audience.

• The content should have internal links that can redirect visitors on other internal web pages. Number should not exceed 2-3 links per page. Links should open in new window/tab. Don’t put any random links, use proper navigation links to redirect visitors to the right information page.

• Content should be regularly updated. Place blogs, news, latest or upcoming events, case studies, testimonial, add new services or offer section etc and update it on regular basis.

These are the basic foremost and primary steps to be taken care of before you invest time and money on the website hence it is important that we take first basic step aptly and then continue to take second. If first step is not proper then success of second step will not be reflected in the outcome. Email us at sales@webelephants.com, if you need any further information/clarification on solutions provided to fight against bounce rate.

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