We are updating this blog based on our client’s requests as most of our recurring, regular and new clients have few basic queries in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Content writing/updating. Actually, they are need of basic understanding on few SEO related tasks and terminologies. I will be making direct communication with all of them here to make it clear.
Respected Clients,
Pure White Hat Techniques: You all must have come across a word phrase called “pure white hat techniques” in SEO. It basically refers to techniques or strategies that focus on a targeted audience opposed to search engines and purely follow webmaster’s rules and policies. The other spam/spurious SEO activities or techniques are called black hat while the combination of both pure hat and black hat is called grey hat technique.
On Page Optimization: For SEO purpose, the changes that are made in main live site or live code in meta text, meta titles, meta tags, keywords etc. is termed as On-Page Optimization.
Off Page Optimization: It is reverse of On Page Optimization i.e. SEO related work is carried out offsite or outside the main live code/website. For example, directory submission, article submission, classified submission, PR (Press Release), Guest Posting, Online Review Submission, posting blog comments, link building and site promotion activities etc. that is done outside the main website.
Guest Posting: You may or may not have heard about “guest posting”. It refers to a request made to blog owners having high PR (Press Release) and authority to take their permissions to post our content/blogs on their high rated profiles and sites, if they allow.
Classified Submission/Advertising: There are ad classified sites on which content can be submitted on line. These submissions have to be calculative and should not exceed certain boundaries set by the SEO person else results could be futile or serious. It is more effective when it is kept to minimum.
Directory Submission: You must have maintained a phone directory for keeping your all your contact information at one place, in the same way there are online directories where people can be searched and added to. So just like the classified websites there are directory websites where the directory posting can be done. Directory Submission should be done precariously taking intense care as overload submissions could be harmful for ranking and search results and Google may put the site into spam.
Organic and Inorganic SEO: Generally Organic SEO means, work that is done using pure white hat techniques and strictly following search engine webmaster’s rules and regulations while inorganic SEO is referred as techniques that are not authentic and standard as per its webmasters rules and policies and instead people mislead search engines to bring their site up which could sometimes prove to be harmful and it can put such unauthenticated sites in spam or can ban them. Hence it is recommended to do Organic SEO instead of using inorganic styles.
Article Submission: The name itself indicates its meaning that it refers to writing content and submitting on different high rated and reputed websites. Generally, 2-3 Submissions in 1-2 Weeks are recommended so on an average 1 Article Submission per week can be calculated for generating better and effective search result.
Usually, 500 words are suggested minimum, for the content posting purpose, in order to bring the site up in the search engine rankings. Try to avert writing lengthy, heavy and prolonged content.
Social Bookmarking: It follows the same concept of bookmarking i.e. the way you bookmark web pages in your browser or computer for the purpose to view it later from your computer machine, in the same way there are social bookmarking websites where you can bookmark your web pages which can be later viewed from any place or computer.
Few Bookmarking websites facilitate features for the users to follow web pages and this way you can increase your web page followers and traffic. From the SEO perspective, you can update tags like title, description, keywords etc. of the web page so when you place your web page over other bookmarking sites then Google, Bing and other Search Engines will crawl and index your page rapidly.
Blog: This term is no longer new to anyone still it is an additional content page on your website or it can be over a separate link/urls, that is used to provide or share important notes or some knowledge to the readers. It can be written on any subject matter or about a company or about anyone. It has got to be user centric in order to avail good benefits in search results. The current blog is among the best examples of user centric blogs. In normal scenario, minimum 1-2 blog needs to be updated a month for obtaining better search result so please take a note of it.
Press Release: All of you read newspaper daily so the word ‘Press Release’ in the digital world is termed as ‘electronic or online newspaper’. It can contain any fresh news or upcoming or recent events or updates or activities pertaining to the company or any person of the company. You should keep the press release up-to-date. Any important news or new information should be shared with public on the fly.
Content Writing Instructions: When we write content say on any subject matter, normally writers focus on the main keywords of the website but it should be user centric and not for search engines. Try to use as minimum keywords as possible. We can make use of supporting words or relevant words that relates to main keywords instead. We can make use of keyword phrases. Try to avoid redundancy and repetition of keywords in particular article or content you write. If you’re writing different articles for your website then all these articles should be interlinked with contextual texts or links within it that will redirect users to one or the other articles in the same website. Avoid repetition of similar keywords and that will lead to an increment in the density and weightage of the content. Don’t use more than 1-2 links/url into the content page or try avoid using it because usage of excessive links could put the page or website into spam category while its submission.
Any Content Article should contain: Title (Subject), Body (Main Content Part), Author Bio (Information on Author and it could be company or any person associated with the company). It is effective to use conceptual images along with the content. Images or pictorial representations are more likely to be noticed and perceived by the audience. Innovative, conceptualized and effectual Designs can definitely be used to draw attention of the readers and create interest in them for the written/posted content. The number of images per content article or blog can be kept minimum to 1-2 images. Over use of images per content article/page/blog could prove to be fatal.
Keywords Optimization: Keywords typed in search engines will display some result and SEO person optimize site for these keywords to bring it up in the SERPs. So when anyone enters these keywords in search engines, website will appear with some ranking on the search page as the keyword is worked upon or optimized. In the same way term optimization is linked to title, Meta tags and description.
Alexa Ranking: Alexa terms as audience/visitor who does frequent visit on the website. It is actually the amount of traffic recorded by alexa toolbar. It is considered to be good as the number decreases i.e. the frequent site users/visitors and their time period over website increases. In other words, as the number of website hits increases alexa number decreases. To check the alexa number and frequency of the site visitors, you’ll require installing alexa toolbar. You should check alexa rank on regular basis to keep track on the website’s status and performance.
Link Suggestions: It is important that any social website links/urls should have direct company name instead of some codes or numbers. Having direct brand name into the links/urls will facilitate better search results on serps for the website.
Online Reputation Management: You must have heard about websites where you can file your complaints online. So there are consumer complaint websites and in the same way there are websites to improve reputation of the company. This is generally done by posting good reviews about the company on such ‘reputation’ websites.
Search Engine Submission: On placing or submitting website name in search engines, it will get displayed on side bar map in the search result page.
SMO: “Social Media Optimization”, is the use of social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc. to publicize your Website or Company or Brand or Event etc. by posting content/advertisement etc. on them.
If anything has been missed out or if you’ve any question in specific on SEO work or offer then please write us at sales@webelephants.com for getting its answer or solution.