Most Awaited blog of the month which are “Crucial Points” that can help you qualify your vendors early in the stage of communication with them.
You may have any piece of work that needs attention and most of the time you end up wasting your precious time with unneeded vendors but let’s try to identify through questionnaire/points as which vendor should be the best fit for this piece of work and how you can save time by avoiding engagement with such undesirable vendors.
Put this question to vendor as: How are you better than your competitors?
Now what do you think the answer that would help you qualify the vendor? You will find people trying to put them as a best seller amidst their world’s competitors and in a way will disrespect their competitors so if you observe or notice such approach from any vendors then they are not the right people to work with.
I am interested to work with you but budget is limited?
The responses could be “how much” “We are ready to work within your budget limits” “We can do this job within your budget limits” The best approach is the approach as we stated in our last blog i.e. the approach of Consultant. The vendor will not commit anything and instead should ask you as how you derived your budget and who will fund this initiative but at the same time to validate their efforts, they will analyze the requirement and try to find out/cross check whether that budget will fit their efforts or not and if no they will give you an indication on its actual cost.
I am not yet ready to start the job?
The expected responses could be: When do you plan to start the work? When do you plan to get started with the work? The best response from a vendor should be: “What factors are delaying things and how we can prove to be helpful in making your decision process faster and easier?”
Vendors never like to be defeated from their customers
Generally, customer and vendor relation gets like as if they are competitors of each other and each one trying to win over the other. A business closure for vendor should not be pondered as their win over the customers and vendors of such attitude who disrespects their clients and instead see their clients as just a selling material or sales opportunity should be averted and jilted for doing business. Any business that occurs between vendor and customer is a result of mutual consent, understanding and agreement. The relation between vendor and customer should be like as doctor and patient or friends and not as competitors.
Vendors try to win customer’s confidence by giving detailed and good looking proposals
Never fall prey of lavish proposals or good marketing advertisements that on glance looks very attractive and acceptable but in reality vendor may not have requisite skills to suffice customer’s needs. Don’t judge any vendor from its proposal or documentation style instead try to see their past work, services/product and experience. Moreover you can have a meeting in person with them or talk to them over wire to better judge their knowledge, expertise and proficiency. Such vendors will soon going to loose their market reputation as there is a saying in advertising world that “Good Advertisement will kill bad product the fastest” but being a customer should qualify them early in the stage to avert both time and money wastage.
We have already provided sufficient tips on evaluating a vendor through our previous blog so for gaining more knowledge and information can visit it here at: http://webelephants.com/evaluate-select-vendor/
If you need more guidance or information pertaining to vendor selection or have any questions/requests for us or need any website work done in PHP, WordPress, Magento, Joomla, Drupal, asp.net etc then feel free to contact us at: sales@webelephants.com