“TRAINING” for an IT company is a post recruitment or pre-recruitment necessity wherein the organization trains people in order to transform one-self into a “ready to work” professional. Training word often creates a perplexity in mind. But training makes you learn the organization routine life, a way to handle something which one could not do earlier.
Now-a-days after students of PGDCA/BCA/MCA/B.E. students are facing lots of problems in getting companies for the project training and also after completion the graduation, students find difficulty to get jobs due to lack of the industrial training in their academic course.
Most of Software development companies are shying away in recruiting fresher in their organization, they needs people with at least experience of 6 months.
At Elephant Consulting learning means adding something new to one’s knowledge every day. Elephant Consulting actually transforms one’s mind in the way desired by the corporate world. bookkeeping . Company structures . Elephant Consulting spends vital time for teaching the student not in the way of an institute but in the way the corporate demands.
Elephant Consulting has started its batch for 6 month industrial internship from June 2012. In this training trainees have been divided such that in each batch there are only 5 trainees in order that attention is paid on each and every trainee equally wherein they can clarify their doubts easily and interact with their trainer directly.
Elephant Consulting not only trains its trainees in the field they choose but it enhances and works towards overall development of the trainees so that they don’t face any kind of difficulty in any sort of IT field.
The trainees under training have been allocated separate links wherein they can find their training details.
The company has undertaken following technologies for the live projects on which the trainees are themselves working:
1) PHP
Benefits with US:
– Live Project Work
– Basic to Advance Level
– Guidance from experienced TL/Sr. Developer
– Experience Certification (only for 6 months training)
The trainees for the first three months learn the skills and techniques in the company and then next three months they will use skills learnt at Elephant Consulting on the project.
Elephant Consulting is actually producing future software engineers with all skills carved on their mind as required by the IT world.
First we like to say we are not an institute, classes or Academy who gives training and lectures to group of peoples. Professional Training will be given in atmosphere similar to IT companies with same process and procedures etc.
After completion of training, Elephant Consulting offers placement to the hardworking and worthy trainees on the basis of their performance during the training.
For the registration, please send your resume at trainee@webelephants.com